People working on laptops

Run online training for remote teams that works

Empowering trainers to deliver online training sessions that make a difference using activities such as Colourblind®, Simbols and Seeing The Point.

Enhance your team's skills with interactive learning activities

Our platform transforms learning from traditional lectures to dynamic, personal experiences. We focus on crafting customized learning journeys that encourage reflection and in-depth insight, catering to each individual's unique needs.

Designed for teams, our interactive activities foster essential skills like leadership, team-building, communication, and coaching. Our platform offers a collaborative space for practical skill development, enhancing team dynamics and individual growth.

“I would highly recommend these team activities, they are both fun and challenging, and can be used as a virtual energizer too.”

Fiona Wright the lego company
Fiona Wright, VP Marketing The LEGO Company
Session overview

We make organising, planning and running online sessions simple

In today's world of remote work and global teams, adaptable learning tools are essential. Our Experiential Learning Tools platform simplifies creating high-quality, learner-centric training sessions, perfect for diverse organisational needs in a virtual setting.

“Thank you to you and the ELT team so much for working so diligently to put together a platform to quickly execute an impactful virtual teambuilding activity like Colourblind. We are tremendously grateful and can't wait to continue our RSVP journey.”

Christine Pietrusewicz Verizon
Christine Pietrusewicz, Senior Trainer Leadership Development - Verizon
Session in planning

Experiential Learning Platform for delivering training to remote teams

Harness the power of experiential learning with tools developed by a team boasting over twenty years of experience in leading experiential education.

Email session participants

Engage and notify your session participants seamlessly.

Flexible trainee management

Adapt activities as your session plans evolve.

Actionable learning analytics

Gain insights on the success of your sessions with our feedback system.

Custom session notes

Supplement your sessions with notes and support materials.

Expert articles and opinions

Benefit from advice and opinions from leading trainers and practitioners.

Save time with our planinng tools

Spend less time organizing and more time conducting immersive learning sessions.

Fun and interactive activities

Offer engaging activities that are both fun and effective.

Foster lasting relationships remotely

Our tools facilitate relationship-building among remote teams.

Person engaged in online learning

Proven remote training activities

Trusted by trainers around the world

Adopted by leading practitioners to deliver top-tier remote training. Experiential Learning Tools has facilitated millions of hours of effective online learning.

Using Simbols to enhance team communication skills

Develop a unified team language with Simbols. This online training tool promotes problem-solving and strategic thinking, essential elements of successful remote team communication.

Using Simbols Online revolutionizes remote learning, fostering improved teamwork, collaboration, and communication among teams, regardless of their physical location.

Simbols Online session overview

Use Colourblind® online to boost team building

Enhance team communication with Colourblind®. An award winning activity developed by RSVP Design with an over 30 year track record of excellent outcomes. Colourblind is available exclusively online through Experiential Learning Tools to deliver successful sessions with an engaging verbal problem-solving exercise that enriches team building skills.

Colourblind® Online strengthens listening skills and refines communication, key requirements for effective online training and remote team coordination. A popular choice among leaders, this exercise uniquely addresses the challenge of maintaining precise communication in remote environments.

Colourblind® Online session remote training

Unlock your learning potential with our free eBook

Subscribing to our newsletter not only keeps you updated with our latest activities, tools, and learning strategies, but also gives you a free copy of our eBook - "How to Use Experiential Learning Methods Online: A Comprehensive Guide".

The eBook is packed with insights and strategies to enhance your learning skills.

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