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20 YouTube channels you can use for Organisational Development

Here are our 20 picks for YouTube Channels that can be used in your organisation

5th October 2023

20 YouTube channels you can use for Organisational Development
While we're proud of our range of virtual learning activities we concede YouTube has to be one of the single greatest learning resource ever created (if not _the_ best its very very close). Unfortunately there seems to be a common perception that YouTube is only for influencers, people selling soft juice and folk streaming MineCraft. How wrong!

We believe video has an important role to play in disseminating information and education. Here are our 20 picks for YouTube Channels that can be used in your organisation:
Mark Logan at TEDx Glasgow
  1. TEDx Talks:
    TEDx Talks is a platform that brings the spirit of TED’s mission of ideas worth spreading to local communities around the globe. It features some of the best talks from independently organized TEDx events, covering a vast range of topics from science, technology, education, and arts to social issues. Notable playlists include "The Way We Work" and "TEDx Talks on Education," which provide insightful discussions on modern work culture and educational innovations respectively.
  2. Harvard Business Review:
    Harvard Business Review (HBR) is a reputable source of management ideas for business leaders worldwide. On their YouTube channel, they provide a variety of videos on business, leadership, and management. Their "Whiteboard Sessions" and "HBR Explains" series are particularly insightful for understanding complex business concepts in a simplified manner, making it a valuable resource for both seasoned and aspiring leaders.
  3. Stanford Graduate School of Business:
    The Stanford Graduate School of Business channel provides access to a rich collection of lectures, interviews, and discussions on a variety of business topics. Notable playlists include "Insights by Stanford Business" and "Stanford Innovation Lab with Tina Seelig," which offer deep dives into business insights and innovative thinking, making it a great resource for those looking to expand their business acumen.
  4. Khan Academy:
    Khan Academy is a non-profit educational platform that aims to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Their YouTube channel offers practice exercises and instructional videos across a range of topics including Mathematics, Science, and Economics & Finance. The well-organized playlists and clear, concise explanations make learning accessible and enjoyable.
  5. Coursera:
    Coursera is a global online learning platform that offers courses from universities and institutions around the world. On their YouTube channel, they share video lectures from these courses spanning numerous industries and disciplines. Their "Coursera Conversations" playlist provides insights from industry experts on trending topics, making it a valuable resource for lifelong learners.
  6. edX:
    edX is an online learning platform offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions. Their YouTube channel features a variety of educational videos and course previews. The "MicroMasters Programs" playlist showcases a series of graduate-level courses from top universities, providing a glimpse into the depth and quality of content available on edX.
  7. MIT OpenCourseWare:
    MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content, and their YouTube channel features a plethora of video lectures on a wide range of topics. The "MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, Fall 2011" playlist is a notable resource for those interested in computer science, offering a comprehensive look into the world of algorithms.
  8. YaleCourses:
    YaleCourses offers access to introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. Their playlist on "The Early Middle Ages, 284--1000" by Paul Freedman is highly informative, providing a deep dive into a fascinating period of history. The channel is a treasure trove of knowledge for those interested in a variety of academic disciplines.
  9. Big Think:
    Big Think is a platform where experts from various fields share their big ideas and insights. Their YouTube channel features interviews, discussions, and presentations on a wide range of thought-provoking topics. The "Experts Explaining" playlist covers a wide range of topics from science to philosophy, making it a great resource for those looking to expand their horizons.
  10. Google for Education:
    Google for Education's YouTube channel provides a variety of educational resources, including tutorials on using Google's educational tools. The "First Day of Classroom" playlist is helpful for educators new to Google Classroom, offering step-by-step guides to make the most of this platform.
  11. LinkedIn Learning:
    LinkedIn Learning is a platform that offers courses on a variety of professional development topics. Their YouTube channel features snippets of these courses, providing a taste of the content available on their platform. The "Weekly Tips" playlist provides quick insights on a range of topics, making it a great resource for busy professionals looking to learn on the go.
  12. MindToolsVideos:
    MindToolsVideos is dedicated to providing practical tips to help individuals excel in their careers. Their YouTube channel covers a range of topics from leadership to time management. The "Leadership Skills" playlist is particularly useful for aspiring leaders, offering actionable advice to improve leadership capabilities.
  13. Project Management Institute (PMI):
    The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a global association for project management professionals. Their YouTube channel provides resources and knowledge necessary for project management success. The "Projectified with PMI" playlist offers insights on project management trends and topics, making it a valuable resource for project managers at all levels.
  14. AsapSCIENCE:
    AsapSCIENCE is dedicated to making science accessible and fun. Their YouTube channel breaks down complex scientific topics into easy-to-understand videos. The "The Science Love Song" video is a fun and engaging way to learn about various scientific concepts, showcasing the channel's unique approach to education.
  15. Vsauce:
    Vsauce explores curious questions with a unique blend of culture and science. Their YouTube channel delves into a variety of thought-provoking topics. The "Mind Field" series, in particular, delves into the human psyche and the science of the mind, offering a captivating look at the mysteries of human behavior.
  16. CGP Grey:
    CGP Grey is known for breaking down complex topics in an engaging and understandable manner. His YouTube channel covers a wide range of topics from politics to science. The video on "The Rules for Rulers" provides an interesting look at the dynamics of power, showcasing CGP Grey's ability to make complex topics accessible.
  17. The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce):
    The RSA is dedicated to driving social change and spreading world-changing ideas. Their YouTube channel provides thought-provoking ideas on a variety of topics. The "RSA ANIMATE" playlist is particularly engaging, offering visual interpretations of complex ideas, making it a unique resource for learning and inspiration.
  18. The RBL Group:
    The RBL Group focuses on topics related to leadership and human resources. Their YouTube channel provides insights from experts in the field, making it a valuable resource for HR professionals and leaders. The "Thought Leaders" playlist provides insights from experts in the field, offering a deep dive into leadership and HR topics.
  19. Learning Technologies:
    Learning Technologies covers the latest in eLearning, training, and learning technologies. Their YouTube channel provides a look at past conference talks, making it a great resource for those interested in the intersection of technology and education. The "Learning Technologies Conference" playlist provides a look at past conference talks, offering insights into the latest trends in learning technologies.
  20. The Great Courses:
    The Great Courses offers video lectures from top professors in various fields. Their YouTube channel provides a glimpse into the breadth of topics covered on their platform. The "Trailer: The Great Courses" playlist showcases the variety of courses available, making it a great resource for those looking to continue their education in a flexible and accessible manner.

We're barely scraping the surface of what YouTube has to offer. It's a fantastic learning resource for personal and professional learning. What YouTube channels are a must watch for you? Talking about learning is something we love to do (and we try to share our thoughts and opinions on modern learning on our blog) if you want to talk about learning with us drop us a line.

Experiential Learning Tools is on Youtube where we post webinars and product walk throughs. Feel free to subscribe to the channel for future content.

Michael Hayes @experientialLT

Head of Product at Experiential Learning Tools

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